Rise Up: John 5:1-15

January 27, 2025

In life, we often find ourselves stuck in a cycle of struggle, disappointment, or unmet potential. We ask ourselves, How long will this go on? The good news is that this current reality doesn’t have to define your future reality. There’s a transformative power in stepping up, rising up, and growing up—one that brings healing, freedom, and hope.

This theme of growth and transformation isn't just about personal development; it's about recognizing the divine moments that God sets before us, inviting us to move forward. It’s about claiming the promises in Scripture, not as historical events, but as living, breathing promises for today. One such passage is Isaiah 60:1-4, which speaks to God's call to rise and shine, to step into His glory and grace. But reading these verses is only the beginning—we must step into them. They aren't just stories of the past but prophecies about who we are meant to become.

The Power of the Lamb: From the Sheep Gate to the House of Grace

In John 5, we read about a man who had been paralyzed for 38 years. He waited by the Pool of Bethesda, hoping for a miracle, but each time the waters were stirred, someone else beat him to the healing. This man's story is more than an ancient account—it’s a picture of what it means to feel stuck and helpless. But it also shows us that transformation is possible when we recognize the opportunity for healing right in front of us.

Two key locations stand out in this passage: the Sheep Gate and the Pool of Bethesda.

The Sheep Gate was where lambs were brought into the city of Jerusalem to be sacrificed. These lambs were perfect, without blemish, and represented purity and redemption. Jesus, the Lamb of God, entered through this gate, not to offer an animal sacrifice but to offer Himself for the ultimate redemption of humanity. As the Lamb of God, He was about to bring healing, not just to physical ailments but to the brokenness of the human soul.

The Pool of Bethesda, on the other hand, was a place of mercy and grace, a gathering of the marginalized and the sick. This wasn't just a location—it was symbolic of society's outcasts, those who had been forgotten or overlooked. Yet, at this "House of Mercy," Jesus brought transformation. He didn't just heal the paralyzed man physically; He offered him a new beginning. Jesus asked him, “Do you want to get well?” and despite his excuses, the man was healed when he took the step to get up, pick up his mat, and walk.

From Stagnation to Transformation: It's Your Time to Get Up

The man at the pool had every reason to believe that his situation would never change. For 38 years, he had been paralyzed, unable to move beyond his limitations. How many of us have felt the same way? How long do we have to endure financial struggles, emotional burdens, or relational difficulties? How long must we stay stuck in the same place, trapped by our own excuses and fears?

But here's the truth: Your current reality does not have to be your future reality. The power of transformation is available now, and it begins with a simple yet profound decision—to step into God's promise. We often limit ourselves by thinking that time is the only measure of change. But God’s timing is different. The Bible speaks of two types of time: chronos(sequential, measurable time) and kairos (the opportune moment for divine intervention). It’s the kairos moment, the right time, that brings change. And today, that moment can be now.

Don’t Make Excuses—Take Responsibility

When Jesus asked the paralyzed man if he wanted to get well, it might have seemed like an obvious question. But the man’s response was filled with excuses. He said he had no one to help him into the pool, and when he tried, someone else always beat him to it. His answers reflect the ways we often make excuses for our own inaction. We say, "It's someone else's fault," or "I'm not able." But Jesus was inviting him to take responsibility for his own healing, to stop waiting for someone else to change his circumstances.

This is where many of us get stuck. We wait for the "right time," for someone else to intervene, or for the situation to magically resolve. But God is asking, Do you want to get well? Will you stop making excuses and take action? God’s grace is abundant, but it requires our participation. When the man decided to get up, pick up his mat, and walk, he stepped into a new reality—one that had been waiting for him all along.

Obedience and Faith: The Keys to Transformation

Healing and transformation often require more than just belief—they require action. When Jesus told the man to get up, pick up his mat, and walk, he had to make a choice. He could have stayed on the mat, immobilized by his past, his excuses, or his fears. But when he responded in obedience, he experienced healing.

What’s your “mat”? For the paralyzed man, his mat symbolized his limitations, his identity as a beggar, and his dependence on others. But Jesus called him to something greater—something beyond his past, his failures, and his disappointments. The mat was his comfort zone, but God was calling him to rise up, take responsibility, and walk.

We all have our own mats—our past mistakes, our fears, our insecurities—but if we’re willing to get up, take responsibility, and trust God, we can experience the same transformation. This is what it means to rise up, step up, and grow up. It's not about being perfect, but about stepping into the opportunity for change.

Five Applicational Questions for Today:

  1. What is your “mat”? What limitations, hurts, or fears are holding you back from stepping into the transformation God has for you?
  2. Are you making excuses? What reasons are you giving for not moving forward? How can you take responsibility for your own healing or growth today?
  3. What does “rising up” look like for you? Is it taking a step toward a new habit, a relationship, or a challenge you’ve been avoiding?
  4. How are you using your current circumstances to prepare for your transformation? How can you change your perspective to see your current situation as an opportunity for growth?
  5. Are you ready to step into God’s kairos moment? What action can you take today to move from stagnation to transformation?

We all have the opportunity to rise up, step up, and grow up. Just as the paralyzed man experienced healing when he got up and walked, we too can experience a life-changing moment when we choose to step into God’s promises with faith and obedience. This is your moment. Don’t wait. Get up, pick up your mat, and walk.

Jon Baldwin

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