Ezra 10:4: “Rise up! This matter is in your hands. We will support you, so take courage and do it!”
In a world that often feels overwhelmed by darkness, it’s easy to retreat, to feel silenced, and to let opportunities for transformation pass us by. Yet, the call of God to His people remains: Rise up! As Isaiah 60:1-4 reminds us, “Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all to see. For the glory of the Lord rises to shine on you.” These words are not just for ancient Israel—they resonate with us today as individuals and as a church.
At Home Church, we’ve been exploring what it means to rise up, especially in this milestone year. I’ve been privileged to share my own journey of answering God’s call, and I’d like to take you through some of the lessons I’ve learned along the way.
When I joined Home Church as the children’s and families worker two years ago, I had a vision: to not only launch outreach ministries here but to help other churches innovate and rebuild their children’s programs. The pandemic had left many churches struggling, and I felt an urgency to step into this gap. But it wasn’t just about programs; it was about equipping the Church to rise up and take its rightful place as a beacon of hope in our communities.
Before this, I worked as a pastoral support officer in a school. Each day, I saw the deep needs of children who lacked hope, resilience, and care. My heart broke for them. Services that once supported these children were dwindling, and I kept asking, “Where is the Church?” It was clear: something needed to change.
This burden led me to a pivotal decision last January. I left my stable job, stepped into the unknown, and began building a ministry focused on equipping churches for children’s outreach. I joined a course for Christian pioneers, and with no guarantees of success, I took a leap of faith. God confirmed my steps through His Word and the encouragement of others. The name “TenFour Ministries” was inspired by Ezra 10:4, reminding me that this matter is in my hands—and that I am supported.
Ezra’s story is one of rebuilding amidst opposition. After the temple was rebuilt under Zerubbabel, Ezra arrived in Jerusalem to restore the community’s spiritual life. He found the people far from God and wept bitterly, crying out for change. In this moment of despair, the people came alongside him and declared, “Rise up! This matter is in your hands. We will support you, so take courage and do it!” (Ezra 10:4).
This verse speaks volumes about what it takes to answer God’s call:
This year at Home Church, we’re being called to rise up as individuals and as a community. It’s time to step into the opportunities God has placed before us and trust Him for the strength to see them through. Let’s not retreat or be silenced. Let’s rise up and shine His light in our homes, workplaces, and communities.
God has placed a unique calling on each of our lives. It’s time to rise up, take courage, and do it. The matter is in your hands—how will you respond?
Hannah Aske, Home Church